Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do Energy Supplements work?

I was never interested in taking any supplements, be it energy supplements or vitamins. I used to think that they are a waste of money. I used to get so tired and sleepy around 1:30 PM just as I was getting off work, and sometimes I had to take a nap in the parking lot because I couldn't keep my eyes open. I caught myself napping at a red light once. A friend of mine gave me a 3 day sample of an all natural fruit punch tasting energy drink that he was using called TUNGUSKA BLAST. After the first day I took it I did not feel tired and drove straight home and mowed the lawn without even thinking about the supplement. I slept really good that night and got up in the morning without hitting the snooze button. On the third day I saw my buddy and he asked me how I felt, and that is when it hit me, that stuff worked. So I bought a 32 oz bottle Tunguska Blast which is a month's supply and I have been using it since. That same formula is now sold in a spry form called Tunguska Mist. If anyone likes to try it go to the web site and order it.
The moral of this blog is that yes some Energy supplements do work.

For the first 20 people who comment on this post with their experience, I will send you a free spray bottle of your choice, you only pay the shipping and handling of $5.00 to my Paypal account.
The product retails at $24.99.
Go to the site above read about the products then leave a comment on my blog and send me an email with your shipping address.
The choices I have on hand are: Pure, PM, Slim.
Thanks for reading.